What is positive discipline?


What is positive discipline?


In this entry we want to explain what this educational methodology refers to and how to apply it at home in a simple and quick way. It is a methodology specially designed to help children become respectful, responsible, and resourceful people. These are the keys.

The youngest must learn from their mistakes. Parents must know that mistakes are a great opportunity to educate their children. Therefore, the first thing is to identify what is the cause behind the children’s behavior.

One of the main keys to positive discipline is to educate without punishment, which does not imply that adults should be permissive. The goal is to focus not on punishment, but on solutions. Punishment is only effective in the short term, but the long-term consequences are negative.

The criteria for positive discipline:

  • Kind and firm at the same time, respectful and motivating.
  • Healthy bonding. Connection that helps children feel meaningful, significant, and important.
  • Effective in the long term. We discard short-term tools that do not safeguard children’s dignity to eliminate disrespectful discipline practices!
  • Mistake as a great learning opportunity. Teaches valuable social skills, respect, caring for others, problem solving skills, responsibility, participation, collaboration.
  • Highlights individual value and strengths through training and encouragement.

Of course, effective communication is essential, it fosters a sense of community. Only in this way do children develop the skills and qualities necessary to solve problems.

Encouragement is much more effective than praise. When children are encouraged, the focus is on improvement and effort, not just success. This helps to strengthen the self-esteem of the youngest and, most importantly, to stimulate it.

And finally, mutual respect is essential. Children must learn to respect themselves and others. In order to do so, it is essential to respect the needs of the little ones.

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