Teach children to enjoy their time


Teach children to enjoy their time


The use of time is, on occasion, a pending issue for us and additional learning that we must provide our children. In principle, all the children do not care about time, and it is important that we teach them to value it so that they learn to organize themselves in their day to day and thus take advantage of it even more. Children tend to be very easy to waste time, which, as a break or occasional therapy, seems fine, but not as usual.

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Children’s time is gold” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Salsa%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]

Time is always so scarce and valuable! Our day is full of expressions like time is money; there is no time to lose; I do not have time. Many times we want to ignore the clock, leave everything and have a little free time to use at our whim: to enjoy, to go out, to relax and, why not, to do nothing.


Sometimes, I have the feeling that we live to wait for the weekend to finally have some time because Monday to Friday it gets out of hand. When we have children a certain organization is necessary, and we dedicate our time to them daily, perhaps not in quantity, but in quality, although often quality does not come without quantity, just as to extract some gold it is necessary to remove a lot of sand.

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We should be able to instill in them the idea that the more they take advantage of their time and the more productive they are in their tasks, the sooner they can enjoy their free time. The fact that the child must have time to do nothing is indisputable. These are the moments that the child will use to play, create, experiment, and imagine. It is the fundamental time for his development as a person. Taking advantage of time always offers rewards. It gives us the security of having things tied up, the tasks performed, it reduces the tension of having things pending and frees us from the feeling that we are missing hours of a day.


Many children, like their parents, live stressed due to an extensive program of extracurricular activities (sports or music), or school work pending. They live strenuous days, scheduled from the time they get up until they go to bed. Listening to music, watching a movie, sharing games and chats is the time that a child should be able to enjoy. For that, the best thing is that we teach them to be responsible with their small obligations inside and outside the home what better way to enjoy our time when we know that we have all our obligations in order!
