Benefits of Napping for Children aged 18 months to 4 years old

Benefits of Napping for Children aged 18 months to 4 years old

Napping, much like many other aspects of youth, is wasted on the young. Young children might resist napping, while most adults would likely appreciate it being added to their schedule. It is important to encourage napping with young children because it is beneficial to so many aspects of their health, growth, and development. A regular napping routine has been shown to improve memory, mood and even fitness in young children.

Toddlers are constant sponges of information and their brains are developing at rapid rates. It is important to make sure that they get adequate amounts of sleep to allow their brain to grow. Lack of sleep can slow down this process and set your youngster back from their peers. We grow when we rest, so it is vital to brain development to cultivate a regular nap-time.

As well as offering a great moment of respite for parents, a nap is a great tool for regulating your child’s mood throughout the day. We can all relate to being “hangry” or grouchy after a particularly long day. Avoid the wrath of your child by making sure they stay well rested and in a comfortable rhythm throughout the day. They will be better equipped to deal with difficulties they may face and will be less prone to feelings of frustration or anxiety. 

Studies have shown that when young children don’t get enough sleep, they tend to overeat to compensate for their lack of energy. They will also be fussier when it comes to their food choices and favour poorer choices. Ensure they have enough energy to take on any activities throughout their day as they play with their friends and families.

As important as napping is, it should not be so late in the day that it interferes with night-time sleep. Screen exposure already makes it more difficult for people of any age to fall asleep; adding a late-day nap will ensure that you will have a night owl on your hands. This will, in turn, mess everything up tomorrow as well so make sure it is earlier in the day.

It is also crucial to check that your child is not dozing off before their regular nap time. This is another culprit in diminishing the quality of night-time sleep and a good indication that you should plan for the nap at an earlier time. 

Build a specific ritual with your child before their naptime to help them learn that it is time to wind-down and rest. The quality of their sleep during this formative time is an important component of their development . 

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